University for Digital Technologies in Medicine and Dentistry

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Basic information on the development and status of DTMD University,
Location and branch of Trakia University Stara Zagora in Luxembourg

The Trakia University in Stara Zagora, which is state-recognized in Bulgaria, has fully incorporated DTMD University as a subdivision as of 3 April 2024. DTMD University is therefore a Luxembourg location (branch) of the Bulgarian Trakia University, whose national legislation it follows. The programs are accredited both in Bulgaria and by the German AHPGS Freiburg i.Br., i.e. not in the Grand Duchy. Originally, Trakia University issues all diplomas and titles of DTMD University, which are therefore not Luxembourgish diplomas or titles. DTMD University works for Trakia University in Luxembourg in the field of continuing education (advanced training) for medical professions and related professions, which was initiated by the Bruges-Copenhagen process.

About the DTMD University

The DTMD University for "Digital Technologies in Medicine and Dentistry" is a private university under Luxembourg law based in Wiltz Castle. It is operated and coordinated by a private Luxembourgish sponsor.
In addition, the private university is DIN/ISO-certified and state-recognized as an "Organisme de formation professionelle". Its teaching and research activities are also accredited throughout Europe.

The goal

The goal of DTMD University is to offer in-service postgraduate training programs in medicine and dentistry as well as special training and continuing education certificates for all accompanying medical professions.

Students are also directly involved in the university's research work. This takes the form of empirical and clinical term papers, Master's theses and doctoral dissertations.

Commitments to the students

DTMD University is committed to strict transparency. It is guided by the transparency and permeability requirements of the Bruges/Copenhagen Process (Lisbon Convention) of the EU Commission for levels 6 (Bachelor), 7 (Master) and 8 (Doctorate) of the European Qualifications Framework.

Management of the DTMD University

The private university is managed by a board of directors of the owners, Prof. Reuter (President) and Prof. Rössler (Faculty Director). Reuter is responsible for strategy and administration. Rössler is responsible for teaching and research.

Trakia University

The "DTMD University for Digital Technologies in Medicine and Dentistry", or "DTMD University" for short, became part of Trakia University in Stara Zagora (Bulgaria) under its aforementioned full name on April 3, 2024. Trakia University is a fully state-run university with a medical focus. The decision to incorporate DTMD University into Trakia University means that Trakia University operates its DTMD University as a Luxembourg location (branch office) and issues all degrees and titles originally. The Bulgarian town of Stara Zagora will also be home to institutes affiliated with DTMD University.

Independently of this, DTMD University will also become a branch of other internationally recognized universities in the future. DTMD University ensures that these universities are fully classified in "anabin" under category H+ in accordance with the German Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK lists).

All information and regulations published on the DTMD University website and communicated externally are written and interpreted in accordance with these principles


Prof. Dr. André Reuter

The President is responsible for strategic organizational and development planning, including university target agreements at DTMD University.

Prof. Dr. Ralf Rössler

The Dean is responsible for the study and research activities of DTMD University. He provides impulses for ongoing change processes.

Prof. Dr. Fred Bergmann
Vice Dean

Prof. Dr. Fred Bergmann is Vice Dean "Asian Studies" and responsible for the development and implementation of study programs and courses (face-to-face and online) at DTMD University in the Asian region.

Prof. Dr. Ata Anil
Vice Dean

The task of the Vice Dean "International Studies Affairs" is to promote the internationalization of the postgraduate Master's degree programmes.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schuster

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schuster is head of the Educational Institute for Holistic Health Management and Care (IGGP), which is intensively involved in the planning and organization of health care in society.

University Administration

Dr. Lucien André Reuter
Head of IT Operation

DTMD University anchors the strategic planning and coordination of its IT activities in university management. Dr. Lucien André Reuter's task is to efficiently align the information infrastructure and information management with the needs of researchers, teachers and students.

Kim Mara Müller
Education manager

Kim Mara Müller is responsible for the organizational implementation of the administrative, development and change processes at DTMD University. She is responsible for the administrative implementation of matters concerning prospective and current students.

Organigramm der DTMD University