Doctorate in Advanced Medicine (DAM)

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The most important information about the Doctorate in Advanced Medicine (DAM)

Name Doctorate in Advanced Medicine DAM
Academic degree The academic doctoral degree by doctorate corresponds to the highest level (level 8) of the German Qualifications Framework (DQR), the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and the international ISCED-2011 of UNESCO.
Language German
Duration 6 semesters
Credit Points 120 Credit Points (CP) according to ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)
Model Part-time postgraduate university study program
Degree Doctoral thesis (Thesis) and oral colloquium (defense)
Number of modules 12
Start / Place of study Application deadline: 12.03.24:
4th Cohort Summer 2024 (German), Wiltz Castle, Luxembourg
Application deadline: 01.01.25:

5th Cohort Summer 2025 (German), Wiltz Castle, Luxembourg
Application deadline: 01.01.26:
6th Cohort Summer 2026 (German), Wiltz Castle, Luxembourg
Admission requirements Master's degree and several years of professional experience or sustainable proof of special professional competencies according to VAE.
Tuition 51.000 €
Payment modalities One-time payment; 3installments of 17.000 €

Course content

What benefits do I get from this degree program?

  • Advanced training in compact seminar form
  • Medicine and management subjects (economics, law firm management, business law, ethics) in a balanced combination, 120 ECTS
  • Taking advantage of the Bruges/Copenhagen process at the university level. This is because DTMD doctoral students build on their state exam, diploma, master's degree for DAM degrees.
  • Publication level of the doctoral thesis (publication series): Notoriety and reputation in medical circles.

What are the highlights?

  • Advanced training integrated into the program
  • Possible, but not obligatory, building up of the DAM on one of the 5 Master's programs offered by the DTMD: "Pediatric and Adolescent Dentistry", "Manual Medicine", "Periodontology and Implantology", "Orthodontics" and "Dentomaxillofacial Radiology
  • Accompaniment in scientific work and writing
  • International networking among colleagues and professors
  • Individual supervision of the scientific doctoral process. DAM doctoral theses are practically usable and applicable: Academic usability of professionally acquired knowledge and skills.
  • Multi-eye quality management in teaching and research

Why should I do the doctorate at DTMD?

  • Choice of topic on own initiative and in close coordination with supervisors of the doctoral thesis
  • Integration into the research landscape of the respective supervisor
  • Benefits of digital learning and teaching as well as research activities
  • System of academic "checks and balances", pedagogical-adapted concept: no bullying, but always support and consideration for professional activity of all doctoral students.
  • The most important thing at the end: Internationally recognized accreditation of your doctorate.

Let the evaluation report of the accreditation agency AHPGS Freiburg i.Br. speak for our international procedure of the DAM itself (p. 38):  

"The Accreditation Commission adopts the following resolution:

The part-time doctoral program "Doctorate in Advanced Medicine" is accredited, which is completed with the title "Doctor/Doctrix in Advanced Medicine" (DAM). The title can be abbreviated to "DAM" or "Dr." without the subject and origin suffix in Germany. The doctoral program, which will be offered for the first time in the winter semester 2021/2022, comprises 120 credit points (CP) according to the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) and provides for a standard period of study of three years. 

The initial accreditation shall be granted for a period of five years and shall end in accordance with sec. 3.2.4 of the "Rules for the Accreditation of Study Programs and for System Accreditation" (Drs. AR 20/2013 as amended on February 20, 2013) on September 30, 2027. 

No conditions are imposed on the doctoral program.

Lecturers of this doctoral program


Other doctoral programs of DTMD University