Evidence-based diagnostics and individualized therapy

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The most important information about the course "Evidence-based diagnostics and individualized therapy".

Name Evidence-based diagnostics and individualized therapy
Model Certificate Course (CAS)
Target group Physicians, therapists, dentists, pharmacists, non-medical practitioners
Language German
Duration 12 months
Number of modules 1
Structure Contact time: 128 hours (8 weekend seminars on Fri/Sat/Sun), self-study: 322 hours, total: 450 hours (15 ECTS)
Course organization DTMD University Castle Wiltz (Luxembourg); Swiss Campus of DTMD, Stans (Switzerland)
Course times
October - January &
April - July
Friday afternoon (4 hours),
Saturday (8 hours),
Sunday morning (4 hours)
once a month, exact dating follows
Admission requirements Physician, non-medical practitioner, dentist, pharmacist, completed apprenticeship or degree in a healing profession with practical experience (level 4 according to the Bruges-Copenhagen Process)
Tuition 5.490 € + 3% (TVA)
Payment modalities One-time payment, due upon booking
Feature Supplementary seminar: Success strategies for health practices
Tuition: 500.00 € + 3 % (TVA)

Course content

Over the last three decades, complementary medicine has moved closer to evidence-based conventional medicine. Some complementary therapy approaches are now scientifically recognized and are offered in hospitals and in some cases even reimbursed by health insurance companies. The guidelines of scientific medical societies contain complementary recommendations on vitamins, minerals, cofactors and phytotherapeutics. Integrative medicine combines the strengths of both approaches to provide patients with more comprehensive care.

CAS: Fundamentals of Integrative Medicine

This course in Integrative Medicine lays the foundations for understanding integrative diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. It covers common medical conditions, evidence-based diagnostic procedures and targeted treatment options.
This includes topics such as chronic stress, intestinal diseases, oxidative and nitrosative cellular stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, metabolic disorders, immune imbalances, hormonal dysregulation, and genetic and epigenetic abnormalities.

Comprehensive therapeutic approaches

The course explains in detail various therapeutic approaches such as microbiome therapies, micronutrient therapies, metabolic activation and detoxification strategies.
Dietary and lifestyle changes and the therapeutic influence of epigenetic patterns are also covered.

Individualized approach to patient care

The diagnostic and therapeutic procedures taught are tailored to the individual needs of patients. Effective communication strategies in discussions with patients are also covered in detail.