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The most important information about the "Practice Manager" course

Name Practice Manager
Model Certificate course
Target group All employees in (dental) practices, pharmacies and assistant professions in the health sector
Language German
Duration 6 months
Number of modules 8
Course organization DTMD University Wiltz Castle,
all modules take place online
Maximum Number of participants 50
Course times Online
Friday 8.00 - 18.00
Saturday 8.00 - 18.00
Admission requirements none
Tuition 1.980 €
Payment modalities One-time payment, due upon booking
Feature Online-only certificate course

Course content

The efficient management of medical and dental practices requires a solid understanding of business management principles. By participating in DTMD University's Practice Manager course, you will make a decisive contribution to the economic success of your practice.
You will develop into an all-rounder with comprehensive business knowledge, think and act entrepreneurially and unlock valuable potential for your medical or dental practice.

The course modules

The course consists of 8 modules with a total duration of 84 hours. These modules teach practical knowledge and skills for efficient practice management:

Module 1: Business management in the dental practice:
Fundamentals of business management in the dental practice.

Module 2: Marketing in the dental practice:
Marketing strategies and techniques specifically for dental practices.

Module 3: Communication in the dental practice:
Effective communication and patient care.

Module 4: Medical device law in the dental practice:
Legal aspects of handling medical devices in the dental practice.

Module 5: Personnel management in the dental practice:
Staff management, staff development and personnel management in the dental practice.

Module 6: Practice management in the dental practice:
Efficient practice organization and management.

Module 7: Quality management in the dental practice:
Measures to ensure the quality of treatment.

Module 8: Hygiene in the dental practice:
Important hygiene standards and procedures for the dental practice.

Completion and prospects

After completing the course, you will be able to manage a medical or dental practice competently and confidently, optimize business processes and thus contribute to the sustainable success of the practice.

Lecturers of this course