Micronutrient expert in orthomolecular medicine/therapy

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The most important information about the course "Micronutrient Expert in Orthomolecular Medicine/Therapy".

Name Micronutrient expert in orthomolecular medicine/therapy
Model Certificate Course (CAS)
Target group Physician, alternative practitioner, dentist, pharmacist, therapist
Language German
Duration 6 months
Number of modules 1
Structure Contact time: 64 hours (face-to-face/online),
Self-study: 86 hours,
total: 150 hours (5 ECTS)
Course organization DTMD University Castle Wiltz (Luxembourg); Swiss Campus of DTMD, Stans (Switzerland)
Course times 06.- 08.10.2023
03.- 05.11.2023
08.- 10.12.2023
26.- 28.01.2024
Admission requirements Good knowledge of micronutrient medicine/orthomolecular medicine (level CAS Fundamentals of Micronutrient Medicine); Therapeutic activity; level from level 4 Bruges-Copenhagen Process.
Tuition 1.800 € + 3% TVA
Payment modalities One-time payment, due upon booking

Course content

In modern medicine, the approach to the prevention and treatment of diseases is increasingly based on scientific findings that show that diseases can be prevented and treated with the help of the body's own substances, so-called micronutrients.
Many of these micronutrients are of natural origin and have been researched in mammalian biology. This opens up the possibility of prevention through targeted nutrition and active intervention in orthomolecular therapies in the event of illness.

Contents of the course

The following topics are covered as part of the Orthomolecular Medicine course:

  • Definition and rules of orthomolecular medicine: Explanation of the principles and rules of orthomolecular medicine.
  • coenzymes, vitamins and trace elements: Consideration of the biological significance and levels of action of these micronutrients.
  • Oxidative and nitrosative stress: Analysis of the biological effects of oxidative and nitrosative stress on the development of disease.
  • Recognition of deficiency symptoms and toxic effects: Differentiation of micronutrient deficiency symptoms and toxic effects.
  • areas of application of omega-3 fatty acids: Discussion of the possible applications of omega-3 fatty acids and the theory of orthomolecular formulation.
  • Holistic health perspectives: Highlighting different perspectives in the context of health.

Course objectives

This course aims to provide participants with the following competencies:

  • The ability to collect relevant findings for orthomolecular therapy.
  • The ability to make diagnoses and select suitable therapy options based on the findings.
  • The ability to precisely define and assess orthomolecular formulations.

Target group and benefits

The variety of tasks, exercises and activities in this course encourages the development of a routine in orthomolecular therapy, which is of great value to both newcomers to the Bruges/Copenhagen process and experienced academics.
The course offers the opportunity to update and expand knowledge in this area.